Hey girlie's!!!
After umming and ahhing for a super long time as to whether i should try the Topshop nail polishes i finally caved and picked up two gorgeous shades, i opted for 'One Hot Minute' and 'Blitz' both of which i thought would be great shades to wear during the run up to the Autumn/Winter months, although i did spend a while just taking in all the shades as there's just so many pretty colours to choose from, i was in total nail polish heaven. I also adore the packaging, i mean its just so cute, I'm a sucker for good packaging and nine times out of ten if it looks good ill buy it and these certainly look good and would look lovely on your dressing table or within your make up storage.
Anywhooo onto what these pretty polishes are like...
One Hot Minute £5
One Hot Minute is a gorgeous magenta shade that has that lovely autumn berry vibe which i adore. The formula is great, it applies smooth and evenly giving you total opacity after just 2 coats and gives you a lovely glossy finish so you could skip using a top coat if you wished. The polish also dried in record time which is great considering no where on the packaging does it state its a fast drying polish, it also lasted well on my nails I'd say a good five days with a top coat. Ive also noticed this shade is a great dupe for YSL Rose Baby Doll, what a brucie bonus he he. One Hot Minute retails for £5 in most Topshop stores and on the Topshop website.
Blitz £6

Blitz is a rich pinky/purple shade with an orange metallic sheen to it that i find to be only visible in certain light. Like 'One Hot Minute' the formula is great but i find this shade goes on alot more sheer and i found i needed 3 thick coats for total opacity and leaves you with a lovely smooth glossy finish on the nail. Blitz lasted on me around 5-6 days, one thing i have noticed is these polishes certainly don't chip easily which is great. Blitz is from the metallic range and retails for £6 in most Topshop stores and on the Topshop Website.
As a whole I'm super impressed with the Topshop nail polishes and i definitely want to get myself a little collection going, I'm now also intrigued to see what the make up is like he he.
Whats your favourite Topshop Nail Polish Shade??? Id love to know.