Hey beaut's!
I cant believe its favourites time already, where are the days, weeks and months going, it's crazy! I must admit I'm absolutely loving this time of the year and I actually hate how fast it's going, I seem to literally embrace all things Autumn/Winter so much that I just want it to all last longer hehe. Anywhooo onto my current lifestyle favourites....
I cant believe its favourites time already, where are the days, weeks and months going, it's crazy! I must admit I'm absolutely loving this time of the year and I actually hate how fast it's going, I seem to literally embrace all things Autumn/Winter so much that I just want it to all last longer hehe. Anywhooo onto my current lifestyle favourites....
Christmas Catalogues
I'm kicking my October non beauty favourites off with Christmas Catalogues, I just love them! I get sooooo excited when I start seeing these out in the shops because you then know Christmas is well and truly on it's way and that the shops have started stocking pretty gifts. Who else circles everything that they like the look off and then casually leaves the books open around the house he he, I do!
I love going Pumpkin picking and oddly it's only become a tradition for us over the last couple of years but I always look forward to going now. I just love buying all the unusual pumpkins and gourds that you cant find anywhere else and then going home and decorating my living room with them for Halloween.
Carving Our Pumpkins
I always looks forward to carving our pumpkins and I'm so happy with how ours turned out this year, I done the witch and my boyfriend Michael done Frankenstein and the general pumpkin face, it was so much fun although I do hate the 'empting it out' part where the seeds fly everywhere and the wet, stringy pumpkin gunk sticks to your hands and arms, uuhhh gross!
Adele - Hello
Shes back, yessssssss! I absolutely love Adele and have been waiting patiently for her comeback for so long, I love her new single Hello and have it constantly on repeat in my house at the moment. Bring on the release of her new album, I bet it will be so good!
One Tree Hill
Arrhhh One Tree Hill is probably my favourite TV show ever!!! Even though series nine, which finished a few years ago, was the last in the series it hasn't stopped me getting my box sets out and watching them a lot recently. I love nothing more that getting into bed nice and early all snuggled up and having a One Tree Hill marathon, and Autumn/Winter is certainly the perfect time to do just that!!!
Arrhhh One Tree Hill is probably my favourite TV show ever!!! Even though series nine, which finished a few years ago, was the last in the series it hasn't stopped me getting my box sets out and watching them a lot recently. I love nothing more that getting into bed nice and early all snuggled up and having a One Tree Hill marathon, and Autumn/Winter is certainly the perfect time to do just that!!!
What have you been loving non beauty wise throughout October beaut's?? I'd love to know!!