Lush Sale Haul

Hey beaut's!

Every year the only Boxing Day sale that I really look forward to is Lush, for the past few years I've always been on the computer by 9am ready to buy all the festive goodies at an amazing 50% off, however I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that this year placing a sale order with Lush was a nightmare! They had major problems with the website and when they finally fixed it, it kept crashing because of the amount of us Lush lovers trying to visit the website, I finally placed my order at about 8pm on Boxing Day and by that time loads of the stuff I wanted had already gone out of stock ggrrrr. Anywhooo... Even though I only managed to get a few bits I still thought I'd share them with you all he he...

Drummers Drumming Bubble Bar £5.25 £2.18
I wanted to try the Drummers Drumming Bubble Bar all Christmas but didn't want to spend £5.25 on it as I knew I could get it cheap in the sale so I held out and luckily manged to get it for £2.18 woohoo. Drummers Drumming smells incredible, it has the most amazing sweet strawberry fragrance that smells so good it makes me want to eat it ha ha, it also looks super cute doesn't it!  

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Gift Set £33.95 £16.97

Because everything went out of stock rapidly I ended up buying a gift set, that way I was sure to get that bath bombs I was after ha ha. I decided on the Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Gift Set usually priced at £33.95 but I paid £16.97 which I thought was a really good deal. The box itself contains a Holly Golightly Bubble Bar which is absolutely massive, I shall get so many uses out of it that's for sure. Theres also a generous chunk of the Reindeer Rock Soap, a Snow Angel bath melt, a Golden Wonder bath bomb which again is huge, a cute Butter Bear bath bomb, a Dashing Santa bath bomb, a 100g bottle of So White shower gel and finally some Snowman shower jelly. 

I absolutely love this gift set so much as theres such a variety of goodies to try inside, I'm super happy I managed to pick it up. The box also includes a little envelope with a letter from Santa, 'naughty' and 'nice' badges which could have been worn over Christmas and festive stickers to decorate as you please, I shall be saving all mine for next Christmas but I think its such a nice touch.

What Lush goodies did you manage to pick up in the sale beaut's?? I'd love to know!! 


  1. I love the Lush Sale at Christmas! Hope you enjoy your products

    CharlotteSamantha //

    1. It's great is'nt it! Did you pick up anything hun??
      Hayley xoxo

  2. You picked up some of my favourites here! I love Butterbear and Reindeer Rock. I definitely need to treat myself to some more Lush goodies soon x

    Antonia | Fifi and the Diamonds

  3. What fab products you managed to grab, I absolutely love the Lush Christmas range!

    alice xo | beautybyalicee

  4. The Lush sale is always amazing! You've picked up some gorgeous goodies! :)

    Style Sunrise ☀


  5. You've managed to pick up some great bits! I missed out on the butterbear, so white and holly go lighty :( but did pick up some of the other things :)

    lovely post!

  6. I didn't manage to get down there, being moneyless sucks! I love Lush, I can't believe how much you got the Santa Claus Is Coming To Town set for, woah!

  7. I haven't ever tried lush products, I'm always a little apprehensive, the entire range of stock is so overwhelming aha! Glad you got some of what you wanted in the sale though!

    little miss fii | Fii x

  8. I did not even know there was going to be a sale haha. In Denmark we don't have anything like boxing day, so it was news to me. Great set you got. I have not ordered from lush in forever.

    Any products in articular you would recommend?

  9. I got Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - It's epic - Snow Fairy Gift Set and Best wishes, they arrived today. Was waiting for the Star of Wonder set too but after 3 weeks they decided to refund rather than fulfil the order, sad times :(

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Thank you girlie's!!
xXx Hayley xXx