SnuffleMats Review!

Hey beaut's!

It's been such a long time since I featured my cute pooch Alfie on my blog so when I saw that the lovely people over at SnuffleMats* where asking on Twitter for doggy reviewers I jumped at the chance because I knew that this would be ideal for Alfie to play with!
SnuffleMats where created on the basis that Dogs love to sniff and forage for their food. So they have combined this natural instinct to create a product that encourages safe mental stimulation and boredom busting in a fun way! 
The SnuffleMats are available in two sizes, theres a Small (16" x 8") which retails for £20.00 plus £4.50 p&p within the UK which is the one Alfie has, and theres a Large (16" x 16") which is £25.00 plus £6 p&p within the UK! The mats&nbsp are made up of a robust rubber base which has small holes in to hide the treats and a thick yet soft knotted fleece material and I have to say the quality is amazing, Alfie has definitely put his SnuffleMat through it's paces whether its been when he's looking for his treats, playing with in it general because believe it or not he loves to pick it up and shake it like mad, he drags it around the house with him and he's even fallen asleep with his head leaning on it on a few occasions and it hasn't torn, shed and broken at all, in fact it still looks like new!
The guys over at SnuffleMat don't recommend leaving your pooch alone with their mats as they are not indestructible, however I've been shoving treats in Alfie's mat when I go to work to give him something to do when he's alone and he's been fine with it and not tried to destroy it all however this could be a problem with puppies or dogs that like to chew up their toys.
Overall im super impressed with the SuffleMat and I know Alfie is too, they quality is amazing and the mats come in so handy for training purposes too, they are ideal for dogs of all ages and come in so many snazzy patterns and shades hehe!

You can find the SnuffleMats HERE on the SnuffleMats website! Orders can be placed by either sending an email to or by visiting their Facebook page
and sending them a message with your requirements!



Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my little blog!!! Reading all your comments really does put a smile on my face and makes my day everytime. I aim to reply to to all comments as soon as possible, if you do wish to speak to me more directly feel free to email me at

Thank you girlie's!!
xXx Hayley xXx