A Picture Tells A Thousand Stories #6 ( Sunday Summary )

Hey girlie's!!!! Hope this week has been a good one for you all. This week I've had a busy one with work and to be honest the next few weeks will be busy at work as I've got loads of overtime...Uhhhhh... Cant wait to see the results in the ole wage packet :) Also this week I've been shocked with this horrible wintry weather we have in the UK at the moment, yup that's right snow in spring, what on earth is going on??? Anywhooooo here's my week in pictures ♥

My second batch of chocolate chip cookies ♥ Me modelling my pinkish redish lip ♥ My Alfie being Mr snooze ♥ Alfie caught in the act stealing socks ♥ Catching up on the celebrity gossip on my lunch break at work ♥ Ive been loving wearing my hair curly all the time recently ♥ Found the cutest picture of Thumper from Bambi with the cute saying ' If you cant say something nice, don't say nothing at all ' its so true ♥ My malteaser addiction is back with a vengeance ♥ My gorgeous Alfie ♥ I sooo wanna stay in that little ocean shack someday ♥ Me off to work on a Saturday... Mehhh ♥ Alfie on his walkies in the snow ♥ 

♥ I haven't got a favourite song this week but i do have a favourite album its Ben Howard Every Kingdom, its an amazing album and he has an amazing voice ♥ 

Instagram : hayley_anne1986

Much Love Hayley xXxXx

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Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my little blog!!! Reading all your comments really does put a smile on my face and makes my day everytime. I aim to reply to to all comments as soon as possible, if you do wish to speak to me more directly feel free to email me at haysparkle1@gmail.com

Thank you girlie's!!
xXx Hayley xXx