10 Cheap and Cheerful Blog Props I Swear By!

Hey beaut's!

Over the last couple of years photography has been something I've really gotten into, I love capturing all sorts of shots from food, lifestyle, a teeny bit of fashion but I'm actually quite scared of fashion shoots - I really need to work on that body confidence hun's - but my main love is obviously beauty and makeup photography, I just love it! After going through a really crappy time last Christmas I decided to treat myself to the Nikon D3400 in the New Year and it's honestly upped my love for photography so much. I really switched things up with my blog photography adding in lots of props which is something I had never really done before, all of my props are either super duper cheap or where just what I had in my home already, so the morel of the story here is blog props don't have to cost a fortune so I thought I'd share my favourite things to use at the moment! 
Trinkets - Arh the good ole trinket, this is a blogger favourite and looks so pretty in flatlays, I actually got my 'isn't she lovely' trinket from Poundland and I love it! I also recently picked up an oval mirror from Poundland and instead of using it as a mirror I use it as a perfume tray, this also looks fabulous in blog photo's! 

Ornaments From Your Home - So many of my props are actually ornaments that are already in my home, I'm a magpie for anything rose gold or copper for my home so these come in to useful when I need to fill a blank area in a shot.

Makeup Brushes - This is such an easy way to fill in small area's of a flatlay and let's face it all of us girl's will have a makeup brush or two to hand that we can use in our photo's! 

Flowers - I bloody love using flowers in photo's, I do buy a lot of fresh flowers from the supermarket for my home so sometimes I just pick a couple out of my bunch when I need one for a photo, I also have a fake pink hydrangea that I got from...you guessed it...Poundland!

Jewellery - Again another super easy prop to use is jewellery or watches you may have in your jewellery box or that you could be wearing, I think jewellery looks so pretty delicately placed in pictures.

Magazines - Magazines are so useful for blog props, your can stack them up at an angle, use pages within the magazine for a pop of colour, scatter products on top of them, the things you can do with your magazine's are endless.

Tea Lights/Candles - Tea lights and candles are great to pop in small blank areas that need filling and they also give a real cosy, inviting vibe to your pictures, I do use tea lights a lot I must admit! 

Wallpaper Samples - This is less of a prop but more of a great hack for your backgrounds, just pop to your local DIY store and stock up on wallpaper samples (which are totally free by the way), I like to use bright grey wood or brick effect samples but theres literally hundreds to choose from.

Your Phone - If you love your phone case that you have on your phone then just whack your phone in shot, why not hey! 

Fairy Lights - I love the look of fairy light's in pictures, especially during Autumn/Winter! I always get the little battery operated lights which you can often find super cheap for a pound or two from Poundland, Amazon or Primark! You can literally weave them through your flatlay or have them blurred in the background of your shots, they look so pretty!

As you can see most of these idea's will already be in your home or will only cost you a couple of pounds in Poundland which I think is amazing! There are so many props you can use such as notebooks, food, ribbons, faux fur rugs, the list really could go on but the ones above are my favourites at the moment!



  1. Good tips love, you do love a good poundland spree :)xxx

  2. Love this! I use most of these props but I definitely need to get some wallpaper samples, would be fun to have some different backdrops to play around with!xx

    Lucy | www.lucy-cole.co.uk

  3. I love a lot of these props, too! I wish I could get more real flowers in my photos but until then I'll stick with the fake ones haha x


  4. Oh I love this! Totally agree with trinkets, I personally have wayyy too many!! I have actually never thought of using makeup brushes, but that is such good idea!! I also use jewellery, candles and fairy lights, but haven't tried the others! Great ideas!! xx


  5. I'm always on the look out for good props! I don't really have many trinkets and things, but I need to start looking for more little things that will look cute.

  6. I think I might have to check out Poundland and see what they've got!! Thanks for the tip :) xx

    Holly | www.gollymissholly.uk

  7. I'm heading out the shops now! Thank you so much for sharing!


  8. I love using faux flowers in my flay lay - simple, but effective!


  9. Poundland have some treasures that are perfect for photos and flat lays. Their fairy lights are particularly great.

    Louisa | Loubee Lou Blogs


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Thank you girlie's!!
xXx Hayley xXx