Hey girlie's!!!! Hope this week has been a good one for you all!!! This week i went back to work after enjoying a gorgeous week off with my boyfriend Michael, i have to say it was abit of a shock to the system, i don't know about anyone else but i get used to the nice lay ins and the chilled out vibe and then before you know 'BAM' your alarms going off and its back to reality. Also this week my poor mum had to go to A&E as whilst she was out walking her pooch she fell over and badly sprained her ankle, she now has a rather large black bruise on her foot and ankle and loads of swelling bless her, she swears her ankle done a full 360 though ha ha ( there's nothing like abit of exaggeration for ya ). To be honest its been a rather chilled week, I've been baking again which i will be doing posts on soon if that tickles every ones fancy? Also planted a few more flowers in my garden and that's about it. Anywhooo here's my week in pictures ♥
♥ Yummy BN biscuits are back ♥ My Alfie bear ♥ Blogging in the sunshine earlier in the week ♥ I made a yummy Carrot Cake ♥ I took Alfie on a late night walkies and i thought the sky looked spooky but pretty ♥ 'I don't care how old i am, i still love Walt Disney pictures'. Oh yes!! ♥ My sexy new Ray Bans ♥ My throwback Thursday picture is of me when i was toddler and obsessed with Pony's ♥ I swear my little monster thinks he's human ♥ I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw Oreo Dairy Milk Chocolate in Tesco's, i mean how have i never seen this before??? Yummy ♥ My bored face ♥ Mine and Mikes naughty supplies for our movie night on Friday ♥ My casual curls ♥ I went Instagram crazy on my fridge ♥
♥ My favourite tunes this week are Imagine Dragons 'Radioactive' and Daft Punk feat Pharrell Williams 'Get Lucky'. Both songs i didn't like when i first heard them but have been total growers and now i love them ♥
Follow me on Instagram: hayley_anne1986
Love Hayley xXxXx
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Thank you girlie's!!
xXx Hayley xXx